1. Don't use @ everyone for for something that is not a necessary announcement
2. Make sure your nickname matches your Gamertag, and your rank based on your role
3. No sexually explicit, inappropriate, personal attacks, harassment, sexism, racism, hate speech, and trolling of any kind.
4. If an issue arises with someone. Take it to DM's to keep drama outside of chats or go to the respective staff or DOD. However your conduct in DM may not break the COC or respective policies. The DOD reserves the right to make the decision if something went too far if a DM is reported to them.
5. No inviting bots.
6. No hacking of any sort or threatening it
7. Follow the chain of command for issues
8. No @ everyone/here mentioning without permission. (We use this for announcements such as clan related meetings, streams, etc) use the corresponding LFG @ in its respective chat
9. Keep conversations in English. The HC reserves the right to make changes to the server rules if needed
2. Make sure your nickname matches your Gamertag, and your rank based on your role
3. No sexually explicit, inappropriate, personal attacks, harassment, sexism, racism, hate speech, and trolling of any kind.
4. If an issue arises with someone. Take it to DM's to keep drama outside of chats or go to the respective staff or DOD. However your conduct in DM may not break the COC or respective policies. The DOD reserves the right to make the decision if something went too far if a DM is reported to them.
5. No inviting bots.
6. No hacking of any sort or threatening it
7. Follow the chain of command for issues
8. No @ everyone/here mentioning without permission. (We use this for announcements such as clan related meetings, streams, etc) use the corresponding LFG @ in its respective chat
9. Keep conversations in English. The HC reserves the right to make changes to the server rules if needed
LFG Rules
1. No spamming
2. Nothing inappropriate
3. No denying people from your posts once they are interested
4. Put all event reminders inside of the event reminder chat
5. Do not use @ everyone for your events
6. When making a event, only use the respective LFG chat and platform to @ (For example @Xbox in the #xbox-lfg)
1. No spamming
2. Nothing inappropriate
3. No denying people from your posts once they are interested
4. Put all event reminders inside of the event reminder chat
5. Do not use @ everyone for your events
6. When making a event, only use the respective LFG chat and platform to @ (For example @Xbox in the #xbox-lfg)
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